Sunday, September 6, 2009

trying something a little different

I get handed hearts like Mormon missionaries hand out bibles
and i think the same thing.

can you value something you give away so freely
so readily
without insurance that they will treat it with respect
without insurance they will actually care about it
with the fraction of love you're supposed to have
it doesnt make sense

the text
is filled with beautiful words
people live their lives by it
who plunged sword into Laban
pleaded for brothers to accept the Lord
because he has
and can complete the impossible

your heart
travels on similar roads
it plunges itself into others
and pleads them to accept Love
because you
can give them the impossible

but how much does your mind
how much does your body
truly value
that which you hand out
like candy at a parade
like tears at a funeral
like tissues on a winter day

it serves a purpose
but will you place as much value into it
as it deserves?

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