Sunday, September 6, 2009

Inspired by Adam Stone

too young to be nostalgic, but in a world where you update your life story every minuet time feels like it moves much faster than it used to.
i'm so much farther away from eight years ago than i was in four.
life went into overdrive and I've been traveling faster than light ever since.
and i guess that's my sin
i try to take time out to smell the roses but in the end i'm too busy putting the mulch around them to smell anything.
i try to take time to stare at the night sky but dreams seem to overtake me faster than any kind of medication could provide.
i'm not old
i cant even say i've lived for a little bit
by putting myself against your timetable i am nothing
but i try to pack as much instances for interest in them as i can
which means
i talk about my past a lot
which means
i talk about myself a lot
which means
i only go back into the past six years
because before twelve
i wasn't even close to interesting
i wasn't even born

i am the new man
who talks about his childhood
it seems so long ago
because i cram enough change
to keep all the hungry fed
within as little time as possible

i am evolution put into cyberspace
fads last seconds
you were late on it before you found it
you were behind five minuets from now

and i'm still talking about what happened to me when i was just a kid
i'd say i want to go back to then
but you're right
i'm too young to be nostalgic
i'm just talking about it
because i think you might learn something
that's all i long for
learning something new
out of the things i've already done.

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