Monday, August 17, 2009

A story of love wanted, love never gained.

6th grade
a young boy stares at a girl
who unknowingly holds his heart

Catie, you make my life
cliché like a classic
play on words
about love

6th grade
a young boy
experiences his first “date”
they made noodles by hand
in the girl's kitchen

Catie, You have always been there
out of reach, in my eyes
placed in my thoughts
I tried to escape
I failed

6th grade
a young boy
knows her phone number
before learning his own
he doesn't call it that often
but he knows the number by heart

Catie, you may have
ruined my relationships
it wasn't fair
that they had to share my heart
with you
but I couldn't help it

9th grade
a young boy is moving away
he has a girlfriend
but all he cares about
is seeing the girl again
before he goes

Catie, when I take you in my arms
be it greeting, or goodbye
my heart stretches
arms grown for you
to embrace your soul
10th grade
this time the girl is leaving
off to golden sands
the boy says “Stay away from those
Egypt boys.”
he means “Miss me as much as I miss you”

Catie, while you were gone
I wondered every day
how you were doing...
I told no one
until now.

11th grade
a boy broke a glass
in disbelief
throwing it at a wall
It couldn't be true

Catie, you had the best prank
I saw through it
but just because of the tiny
tiny tiny tiny tiny
chance it might be true
I broke a glass...
over you

The last moments of boyhood
the young boy
works for the girl
spends as much time as he can
near or with her

Catie, the summer
I spent mostly with you
because I wasn't interested
in any other girl.

the boy realizes
time is short for them
so he takes the girl
In his arms every chance he gets
and presses his lips onto hers
kissing angels, would feel below it now
time is fleeting
and soon we'll be fleeing
to such different futures
will we look back at fools
falling in folly
or will we look back
and smile at the goodness?

Senior year
the boy cannot escape
the constant reminders
of his feelings
he tries to fill the hole
with another relationship
he fails

there are things I've wanted to tell you
for years and years
and I never did
because I was afraid
this poem tells it out

Senior year
the boy thinks about her
more and more
knowing he is running out
of time

I needed you to know this
before time was up
but I didn't know how to say it
or even bring it
into conversation

senior year
he asks her to prom
no one could be the better choice
she's out of his league
and he knows it

prom will be amazing,
and I am so happy
that I get to go with you
because I would only be thinking
about you, looking into my date's eyes

Senior year
graduation is fast upon us
then we will both be leaving
onwards to the future
onwards to our new lives

are you ready?
Are you sure?
I have faith in you
even if you don't

a boy will go off
to train for war
the girl, will go off
and learn in school

we never really talk
about our feelings
because I know
I am afraid of them

6th grade
a young boy
stares at a girl
who unknowingly holds his heart
he never really got it back
he doesn't want it anymore
it belongs to her.

Catie, my heart belongs to you
so either take it and hold onto it
or give it back
I don't need a commitment
or you to feel the same
I just need you
to know

Now that you do...
We can move on from here
Kiss me...
with you around
the rest of the world
Is lost to me

The rest of the world is lost
you do not want it
so my heart is beating

things have shattered slightly
things have changed
you don't think I have
its funny that way

you just want to remain friends
you dont want me
to be like I was
back in 6th grade

i'm stronger than you thought
and I move on quickly
I don't have time to
wait around being miserable over you

I stopped giving a shit
you don't understand
you kept me waiting
when I built up the courage
I stopped caring

I don't think you realize
i'm a different person
this poem
was supposed to describe
that fact

fuck it
I dont care
there are things
I didnt notice before
I just wish
we never kissed

I think now
it's not me
but you
who lost out.


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