Sunday, August 30, 2009

how i would've ended quarentine

(after girl is grabbed into darkness)

News Anchor:

November First 2015, within the city of LA
Marked the beginning of what appeared to be
some new kind of disease.
acting as a fast acting rabies
traveling from animal to animal
animal to human
and yes
human to human
After a failed government cover-up
a tape was rescued describing and visualizing the worst fears
of every childhood nightmare being brought to life at once.
Regular people, Criminals, Police Officers, Firemen, Parents
even children
going mad and attacking each other with no control over themselves

since then

there has been over 300 recorded incidences
and over 2000 casualties in america alone
proving the need for a martial law to be placed
until a cure can be found.

the public is being ordered
not suggested
not implied
we cannot stress this enough
the public is being ordered
to remain in their homes
until military transport
comes to provide access to supplies
and travel to places of work.
anyone found outside
will be shot on sight.

to show you what happens to those in this experience
comes a portion of a tape found at the third incident of the disease in Kansas City. the cameraman was working the night on Cops when he caught this... final moment:

(Panicked Fireman:)
shit shit shit
did you fucking see that?
what the fuck was that?
she was fine a second ago
just a bit groggy
she's old
old people are like that...

no no no
they dont do it
not little old ladies
that's like...
or fucking psychos
not little old ladies

the call said she had been screaming
we came in... she was asleep in a chair
just sitting there
she didn't respond to our calls

we picked her up and carried her downstairs
but halfway there
she freaked out
i don't know what happened to the other guy
he was some kind of cop
all i know was she got him

oh god the blood
it was everywhere
all over me
i just...
i cant stop tasting it
it covered me completely

i just don't know what to do
no one gives a shit that we're trapped in here
they locked us in!

we're all going to die aren't we?
*see little girl zombie behind him, cameraman stutters*

oh fu- *screams and attacks. cameraman runs away panting then camera gets thrown. only screams are heard, then the girl appears as a zombie in the camera screaming till sudden blackout*

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