Sunday, August 16, 2009

space travellers

we've fallen out of the sky through the depths of space
passing planets and comets
space dust
we breathe pure passion and solar energy
we're green with envy
because no one else can get this close to heaven
and it's unfair

you just seem to be getting bored of me
facing the starry scenes on the other side
do you want to experience something else?
do you want me anymore?
we've been alone so long
perhaps we need some company

perhaps we need to move on from this place
because one can only touch
all the constillations once
one can only see
so much of infinity
before it all becomes the same
bright stars
little planets
life in rarity
too far to touch
too close for comfort
it would just disrupt our balance
shake us loose from our bonds
but maybe that's what we need
to keep our excitement alive

i think you and i should go down into that black hole,
because i'm sick of seeing stars.
it's pulling us in and we keep fighting,
lets just give in and fall deep,
deep into the well of gravity,
and find out what's on the other side.
because darlin' i fell for you once,
i'd do it again for the sake of adventure.

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