Tuesday, August 18, 2009

horror poem

this is the moonlit chase
this is the witching hour
frighteningly wonderful
it begins as a friendly chase
till the first girl falls
you think you can hide
my momentary distraction
but this girl is just skin and bones
i need meat
i need you

the red hair sets me off
like the Spanish bull
you're no matador
so i wont just rush in
change this game to cat and mouse
i know... i know that I'll win.

stalking through corridors,
shotgun slung snug into my shoulder,
i know you're hiding my little red riding hood.

this big bad wolf is gonna huff *shlick*,
puff *shlack*,
and blow *BOOM*
you're world away.

howl up at the moon
drink up blood
beautiful red as your hair
the taste of iron sits on my tongue

have you ever noticed
gorgeous sounds like it begins
with gore?
i take this idea to it's finest
since you had to stop running
buckshot in your leg
it will only hurt for a moment

breathe in
breathe out
exhale so the shot
fires straight and true
oh the taste
so many holes
to drink from
to watch the droplets
trickle down your skin
heavenly sin
breath in
huff *shlick*
breath out
puff *shlack*
and blow you away

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