Wednesday, June 10, 2009

wow that was amazing!

So today I received from what I have heard is the ultimate experience of being an artist in any form: Converting the Unbeliever.
I got told today via facebook chat and i quote:

"i just thought it was really cool how i just met you this semester and you've kinda changed the way i look at things like I'm more open to things that are out of my normal schedule and poetry until i read yours was probably not my favorite to read and i want to thank you for that because i feel like a different person than i was not too long ago"
this was from a girl i met in my English class.

so lets see, I've been involved in the poetry scene for only 3 years, and I've already gotten to co-feature, been published in a compilation chapbook, made and sold a semi-successful run of my own chapbooks. I'm still in my teens, and headed to a future filled with life experiences that will change the subject matter and way my writing grows.

I have dreams of being a poet full-time some day. Or maybe doing a troop tour with poetry...
Just a poetry tour would be awesome...
I think I might have to join a slam team first.
Or at least get some more attention from the pros...

Oh and definitely get better and grow drastically as a poet.
I'm far from skilled.

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