Tuesday, November 3, 2009


it's funny. i used to believe in the cards
tarot readings
name it
i was a believer
this opened all sorts of doors
expanded my mental psyche
but gave me such great fear
made me so much blinder to myself
i needed others to bring the truth out of me
through thier readings, their interpretations
now as i'm older
i believe in less
focus not on the ritual
but on the truth
bring it out of myself
i hope this makes me a better person...

on halloween of 2006
my card reading suggested
that a future with water
and military
was bound for me
i disagreed

in late 2007
a man who could tell the future
because he was psychically trained
said i would live by the water

that same day
a man who read cards and stones
revealed how upset i really was about my mother
how i masked it with how i was upset in my
lack of relationship

in 2008, i spent my summer living on the beach
with some of my best friends
in 2009, i am headed into a career in the military
an aquatic fighting force

if you open your mind
paths will be laid before you
and perhaps you will stumble upon them
but maybe
there is a touch of destiny out there
that you can embrace.

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