Sunday, October 25, 2009

what i'm looking for

thank you for wishing me luck
for telling me
how you hope i find what i'm looking for
hope i stay safe
hope i come home and visit you again
i will do these things
without any shadow of doubt
just for you.

i'm the traveler
the one who comes to a place
finds love
then leaves
the one who builds ties no distance can stretch too thin
always seeming to wander aimlessly
creating a family where he lands
although he has one of his own

this is what i am looking for
more travels
more families
more experiences
more ties no distance can stretch too thin
this is what i crave
bringing the world together
strung up in my own way
taking all you have to offer
all i have to give you in return
and tell the stories.

this is why i will stay safe
why i will come home again
the stories need to be told
to be spread
no science can replace
the way you can stand
be it in summer heat
winter snow
or anything in between
sharing stories
eating it all up
letting little details
form new edges
new curves
new facets
to your 3D personality.

maybe someday i'll be lucky enough
to make the world small enough
that all these ties
become one giant rubber band ball
bouncing through space
leaving a line to bring us home
stronger than any distance could hope to stretch

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