Sunday, October 25, 2009

Paralells Phaeton/Lucifer:


I tried to drive my father's chariot.
Took the morning star and rode on through the skies bringing day.
He did not see my wish to let the world start over.
They called it an accident,
said i could not control myself and that
is why i woke the sky serpent.
why i brought fire to the mountaintops
why i bathed civilizations in flames.
I was struck down hard by grandfather's lightning.
they still speak of my fall.


I tried to take my father's throne
As the Morningstar i led forces through the day
He did not see my wish to let the world start over
But knew it was no accident
I could no longer control myself
Came down from the sky as a serpent
Brought fire to the mountaintops
bathed heaven in flames
i was struck down by Michael's lightning
they will always speak of my fall


raw power of heaven
drawn like a line
the bolt thrown as javelin
yet leaves no shaft
to grip and remove
nothing can stop it
for it travels through your veins
lighting them all on fire
i knew the feeling of the world
in a beautiful pain
buzzing and crackling
felt the fires
felt rebirth so near
father said his chariot would be the death of me
he forgave me as he handed me the reigns.


He was Lightning
Michael the power of heaven
drew the line
holding flaming sword
dropped for fists
neither of us would yield
entangled like earthquakes
he brought me down
let me feel the aches and pains
it was beautiful
he sent me home
trapped in ice so cold it burned
like the fires i let loose upon home
my father knew this would not be the death of me
i wonder if his son would forgive as easily


wonder if falling
Down from the heavens above
can happen often

or perhaps it's only ever happened once

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