Thursday, October 15, 2009

birthday musings... aka i'm stupid when it gets close.

it must be near my birthday
i'm cranky
nor sleeping well

i hate birthdays
birthdays mean that the past year of my life
was probably wasted

spent doing something stupid
not something that matters
i always make bad choices

i'm a goddamn pessimist on my birthday.
i hate my birthday.
birthdays never go right.

not never...
just since i was old enough to have more control over them.

for my sixteenth birthday
while other kids had huge parties
and big deals

i took at nap
and got pizza with my family.
it was the best birthday ever.

i hate the idea of people getting gifts.
i feel like i owe them something
more than just a thank you.

i wont remember your birthday
i barely remember my own
if it wasn't for people reminding me
i would just forget it.

fuck it.

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