Thursday, August 20, 2009

villian to hero

I hunted for your darling.
knowing that you couldn't protect her is killing you inside
but you knew there was no where you could hide.
I'm the forest that you'll get lost within.
I'm the cliff in the night you never saw coming.
fall down into my jaws so i can taste your flesh.
your suffering is so special to me.
you see nothing tastes as sweet
as heroes fallen into madness or villains reforming their ways.
the public, they see both
and neither is true.
but I will be the hero
and you, pure madness

smoke and mirrors my friend.
it's all smoke and mirrors.
oh except your darling, she's just...
hanging around

really she was just in the way
our relationship is so much...


so much more important
she was really just holding you back
you just need to be pushed over that edge
i think you have been now.


looking into your eyes
so high and mighty
clinging to, virtue
what you thought was golden and true
but in the end it didn't save her did it?
in the end, you failed.

it wont save anyone else either.
that's right
I'm not done
I'll eradicate all those you love
all those you come close to
and every time
every single time
I'll make it look like you did it
or worse, that you made them
do it to themselves.

and they'll believe me.

doesn't that just kill you?
these people
you save them time and time again
put your life on the line
but when it comes time for their trust in you
to finally be tested
they jump on you
like flies on shit

I'll be a hit
bigger than you
in so many ways
better too
how hard can it be
to be better than you?

they think they can save everyone
they believe their own press
but really
you need to be put in your place
every now and again.

soon, I'll be your only friend.
and you'll see what you knew all along
you and i
are the only ones who matter
everyone else is just
a distraction.

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