Sunday, August 30, 2009

Response poems would be cool... this is like... the beginning of a creepy ass duet peice

terror's taste tantalizes my tongue
so run darling, run
because no matter where you go
i'll know
i can smell it
i can taste it
salty sweat sliding down slick skin
the smell of days old hair
greasy, unkempt
filled with dirt and grime
evidence of my crime

and i haven't even started yet

first you ran to the city
driving fast in an old car
not knowing i was behind
shadow in the night
constantly causing fright
you stopped for gas
found tires slashed
you ran for cover
subway stations
i was there with you
always out of sight
just slightly out of reach

you slept on the train
you slept in dumpsters
you hid and wanted help
but it was too late for that
covered in grime
eyes wide
looking more mad than haunted
meanwhile i flaunted
making you live how i deemed fit
because from where i sit
i'm in control
and you're just a scared little girl

now we sit here
sitting across the same table
in a sealed room
one gun between us

one gun
the equal sign for our equation
giving us a solution
but who will use it
who will put an end to the game

i must say i'm getting bored of it
but i'd really enjoy
to hear what you have to say.

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