Thursday, September 17, 2009

greh... cant focus on this.

The Wiggin Family produced exceptional children
Each graced with above genius intelligence
an understanding better than adults on the world
more manipulative than the most ruthless brigand
They were amazing.

The first Wiggin Child, Peter
Cunning, Ruthless
so very violent
Dissecting squirrels in the woods
always threatening to kill his siblings
Iron Fist Ruler

The Second, Valentine
tender, loving
always protecting
keeping Andrew safe from his brother
Always threatening to expose Peter's ways
Wise Little Woman

Andrew Wiggin
was born to save the world.
A third child in the time where two was a privilege
Secretly Baptized when religion was not allowed
He was the Perfect balance of ruthless and loving
Having the ability to see the ripples of reaction
for every drop of action
on the still waters of life

Andrew Wiggin
was called Ender by his siblings
Foreshadowing his future
for he ended the need of a savior
ended 3 lives as a child
ended traditions of a battle school
ended the war
ended a species
ended a woman's loneliness
ended the suffering of a family

Andrew was taken young
into space
ripped from the norm
with other children
thirsting war
while he just wanted to live

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